On The Move Again

Emma Reading To Her Baby At Bedtime


 On the move again…both figuratively, in that I have dusted off my latest attempt at blogging, and literally, in that we are again visiting New York, this time for Easter. Time continues to amaze me, in how it can seemingly coast by at an infinite speed, yet stay utterly still from the last time I was home. I look at my children, and my beautiful nephew, and bask in the beauty of their play, a dream I know i have had for as long as I can remember, and find it amazing that six months ago, things were so different. Yet, I look at my stunning and amazing Nana, who at the age of 90 looks no older then 70 🙂 and I feel like time has stopped…I’m not 36, everything is just like it was before I moved…but now it’s a new joy, to share my children, my husband, my life in Minnesota, with my family and my life in New York…the heart that is always there, and never changes, even though time passes us by. 


This trip is a mommy and Emma trip…and we are having a wonderful time! We arrived late Friday night, and started the week off with a party for Alex’s second birthday! I’m so proud of how perfectly perfect my nephew has begun to grow to be! Of course, he has wonderful parents and grandparents to help him along the way!

4 Generation…ill have to photoshop in Evan!

  Tomorrow we are heading up to Lake George to see Gramma Joan and Grandpa Chuck. I asked Emma tonight if she remembered what kind of animals we saw at their house last summer, and she promptly told me she saw geeses and a chicken! I only wish spring had decided to come earlier this year so we could have at least enjoyed some of the scenery while we are up there. but I’m very excited to see my in laws (Chuck I promise to remember your hats!)

While Emma and I are in New York, daddy and Evan are enjoying their time together as well, assembling Lego models and burning off some excess energy. I think Jim will be happy when I’m home to cook again though 🙂


With some recent news I have read on Facebook, or heard from talking to friends and family, I am increasingly thankful and blessed for my health, the health of my children and husband, and of my entire family, including nana who I challenge ANY doctor to find an ailment on. life continues to confuse and astound me. But my sincerest prayers go out to all of my family and friends who are going through some of the toughest times I have ever seen…Aunt and Uncle Purple Pants, Lu and beautiful baby “A”, Jenn and “D”, Aunt Catherine, to name a few…I can only pray for peace, comfort and resolve in whatever way possible.

Peaceful sleep and Sincerest Prayers..and in the truest and purest words from Alex “God Bess mommy and daddy and nonni and pop and Eban and emmmmma and eban and nonni and pop and ant dessca,and mommy and daddy. Amen.”

God bless to all. Amen.

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