On The Move Again

Emma Reading To Her Baby At Bedtime


 On the move again…both figuratively, in that I have dusted off my latest attempt at blogging, and literally, in that we are again visiting New York, this time for Easter. Time continues to amaze me, in how it can seemingly coast by at an infinite speed, yet stay utterly still from the last time I was home. I look at my children, and my beautiful nephew, and bask in the beauty of their play, a dream I know i have had for as long as I can remember, and find it amazing that six months ago, things were so different. Yet, I look at my stunning and amazing Nana, who at the age of 90 looks no older then 70 🙂 and I feel like time has stopped…I’m not 36, everything is just like it was before I moved…but now it’s a new joy, to share my children, my husband, my life in Minnesota, with my family and my life in New York…the heart that is always there, and never changes, even though time passes us by. 


This trip is a mommy and Emma trip…and we are having a wonderful time! We arrived late Friday night, and started the week off with a party for Alex’s second birthday! I’m so proud of how perfectly perfect my nephew has begun to grow to be! Of course, he has wonderful parents and grandparents to help him along the way!

4 Generation…ill have to photoshop in Evan!

  Tomorrow we are heading up to Lake George to see Gramma Joan and Grandpa Chuck. I asked Emma tonight if she remembered what kind of animals we saw at their house last summer, and she promptly told me she saw geeses and a chicken! I only wish spring had decided to come earlier this year so we could have at least enjoyed some of the scenery while we are up there. but I’m very excited to see my in laws (Chuck I promise to remember your hats!)

While Emma and I are in New York, daddy and Evan are enjoying their time together as well, assembling Lego models and burning off some excess energy. I think Jim will be happy when I’m home to cook again though 🙂


With some recent news I have read on Facebook, or heard from talking to friends and family, I am increasingly thankful and blessed for my health, the health of my children and husband, and of my entire family, including nana who I challenge ANY doctor to find an ailment on. life continues to confuse and astound me. But my sincerest prayers go out to all of my family and friends who are going through some of the toughest times I have ever seen…Aunt and Uncle Purple Pants, Lu and beautiful baby “A”, Jenn and “D”, Aunt Catherine, to name a few…I can only pray for peace, comfort and resolve in whatever way possible.

Peaceful sleep and Sincerest Prayers..and in the truest and purest words from Alex “God Bess mommy and daddy and nonni and pop and Eban and emmmmma and eban and nonni and pop and ant dessca,and mommy and daddy. Amen.”

God bless to all. Amen.

I Love You…And Thank You!

Self admittingly, I have behind on the blog 🙂 But while I am catching up, I wanted to post a quick message to everyone who we had to say “See You Later” to yesterday and today.

Saying goodbye is never easy, but after this last trip, it is particularly difficult to leave.

Our first week home, was so refreshing to see everyone. The joy on the kids faces to be able to play with their cousin Alex, and to be surrounded by the warmth and love of our family was comfort beyond words. The ease in my mind and my heart while on this trip is unsurpassed. Thank you Mommy, Daddy, Jay and Angela, and of course “Baby Awex” for bringing that peace to my heart! I love you all a bushel and a peck! Nonni and Pop, we cant wait to see you for the kids’ birthdays!!!

Our second week brought us to Vermont, where that warmth and love continued. Never have we had a trip such as this time. To have Grandma and Grandpa there to visit, but then to have Aunt Heidi, Uncle Bruce, Shane, Chelsea and Waseem with us, was a time never to be forgotten. I have been coming out to Vermont for quite a few years now and this past week’s trip was one of the most enjoyable, relaxing, fun and did I say enjoyable? Trips.

Thank you to everyone for making this such a memorable trip not only for the kids, but for all of us. Jim and I love you so much. And we cant wait to see you again soon. As the tears run down my face, my heart is comforted by all of the memories fresh in my mind from our wonderful trip this year. XXOO

East Coast Trip 2012 Day 8 – August 13

We are on the road again! This time it was a relatively short jaunt to see Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Heidi, Uncle Bruce, Chelsea, Waseem and Shayne in beautiful Vermont. We left relatively close to baptisms which made the drive pretty easy! When we arrived around dinner time, the kids started playing right off. They just love to run around in the back yard there. And It was wonderful to see the kids explore and be free.

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Monday night, Waseem and Chelsea headed out for a walk, while we all stayed close to the house.  We knew they were going on a hot air balloon ride, so we were all anxiously awaiting the launch of the balloon.

Little did we know that Waseem was planning to propose to Chelsea! Congratulations to Chelsea and Waseem on your engagement!!

After the excitement of the night, we all sat around the fire talking and relaxing. What a great first night in Vermont. After dark, we headed over to Silver Maple Lodge in Fairlee. What a great place to stay!!

East Coast Trip Days 4, 5, and 6 – August 9, 10 and 11

Things seemed to slow down to a relaxing pace as the week progressed. Nonni, the kids and I spent some quality time doing some of our many loved activities while in New York. We rode bikes on the rail trail, painted more birdhouses to adorn Nonni’s trees, played outside in the sandbox, and even got to ride on the bikes that Nonni and Pop worked together on to get all fixed up for riding.

While Uncle Pat and Aunt Leigh were in town this week, we also kept in step with our nightly trips to Mickey’s Igloo (I did really well earlier in the week with my diet! But by the end of the week, I had obviously fallen off the wagon).

To my dismay, these slow, easy going days seemed to fly by as if it were no time at all…but we certainly had a great time!

We had a great time Saturday night out to dinner at Ninety-Nine. The ENTIRE family of 17 was there! We had a great time! And we managed to get a shot of all of us! Thank you Jason and Angela for sticking around long enough to get the picture before running off for a night of guy fun!!!

East Coast Trip Day 3 – August 8

As Jim continues to work this week, the kids and I decided we needed to keep busy. We were very happy and very excited to visit with Aunt Steph on Wednesday!

In the morning, Nonni, Emma and I headed over to Michael’s Crafts to feed our scrapbooking appetite, while Evan hung out at Nana’s house. (He preferred to stay home and play with trains for some odd reason!). So we managed to get our fill of scrapbooking supplies just in time to get back home for Aunt Steph, and cousins Bella and Gabby to get to Aunt Gails for some fun swimming!!

Evan had a ball swimming. He got very daring and jumped in a few times! He was loving his swimmies that helped provide him with the security he needed to swim, without making him feel invincible. Emma was happy to hang out with Aunt Gail.

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Evan even showed off his ever increasing swimming skills!

After we went swimming, the younger girls (Emma and Gabriella) stayed home to nap, and Evan, Bella, Aunt Steph and I headed up to the Fun-E-Farm in the Mall for some more energy burning time!

Wednesday night, we had our family favorite Ravioli. Anyone who knows our family knows that ravioli are a long family tradition, and one that we always make time for when we come home!


East Coast Trip Day 2 – August 7

Tuesday was a much more relaxed and laid back day, which was perfectly fine with us after our long trip, and a very busy Monday! We stayed close to home on Tuesday, having dinner at home with Uncle Jay and Angela, followed by our favorite trip to Mickey’s Igloo!! We opted not to go bowling with Uncle Pat and Family in lieu of taking a walk again, along the rail trail.

Evan also had his first certifiable recycling trip to the Town of Hurley Dump! (I know, sounds exciting!) but to a 4 year old, seeing Pop at night and having him all to yourself is pretty special!

Other then that, just a laid back kind of day which is what we really needed. Here are some pictures from Tuesday’s ventures and games.

East Coast Trip Day 1 – August 6

East Coast Trip Day 1 – August 6

Well we are here!!! ( incidentally we have been here for four days, but we have been so busy that this is the first I have been able to write!)

Day 1 of our vacation was jam packed with busy-ness from the minute we got up ( which despite the fact that we arrived after midnight, the kids were still up at 730!!)

First and foremost, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM!!! Jim’s birthday was on Monday, and what a beautiful day it was!!

First thing in the morning, Emma, Nana, Mommy and I headed down to the Ulster County Fairgrounds to check out how Mommy fared with her submissions from this years competition. I didn’t think we were going to get there fast enough to satisfy moms anticipation!! We got there and headed over to the building, albeit slowly with a curious 2 year old and a determined 90 year old!

There were were, 4 generations of Pisano’s, there to celebrate together. What a beautiful moment to see the reaction on my mothers face to realize she had won! Not once, not twice, but FIVE times. Two first prize, two second and a third place ribbon. And as I stood there with my mom, my grandmother and my baby girl, the love that filled my heart, the pride that filled my being, and the tears that welled in my throat was truly a moment I will not forget anytime soon. I would drive through the night, with no sleep, to be there in that moment with them. Mommy, I am so very proud of you! Here’s a picture of my mom’s prized jellies and jams.


After returning from the Fairgrounds, Jim and I decided to take advantage of the day, and left on an all afternoon excursion to Lake Minnewaska, where I have not been for at least 10 years. I was happy to see it hadnt changed since I was there last :). Jim and I were excited to get out on our own, and see some of the beautiful mountains of Upstate New York, that I love so much. We decided to bike in instead of walk to test our endurance. I have to say, I was impressed by our agility! We rode about 8 miles start to finish, which doesnt sound like much, but if anyone is familiar with Minnewaska, you know how hilly the terrain is! It was an absolutely gorgeous and perfect day. I wish we could do that every weekend! Here are some of the shots from our trip:

More to come tomorrow about the rest of the trip!!!