East Coast Trip 2012 Day 7 – August 12

Sunday, August 12 marked the end of our first week on our East Coast 2012 Trip. But the day proved to be fun as always.

Early in the afternoon, we traveled to my mom Celeste’s house to celebrate Billy’s homecoming from the Navy, before venturing off to Japan for the next three years. We are proud of Billy’s accomplishments but will miss him greatly while he is gone !


But we greatly enjoyed the time we had together at Celeste’s house. Billy spent a lot of time playing with the kids in the pool (thank you Billy!!) and the kids really enjoyed themselves again. I swear Evan learns to swim a little more each time his feet hit that water!

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Later in the day, Jim and I got to take a 10 mile bike ride down the Rail Trail. It felt so good to get out and stretch our legs. It was a beautiful ride through the woods – I cant believe I never knew that we had such beauty so close to my home. Afterwards, we came back home for a great family barbeque. The kids had so much fun playing together!



Jason and Angela, my brother and SISTER, I love you unequivocally, and could not be more blessed in life than to share my life with you guys as my siblings. And to have our children play together, there is nothing better.

Cross Country Triathalon 2012

Well, we’re at it again! Our Cross Country Triathalon has begun! As day two of our three day driving trip began, I sat in the car, bored (as usual) as the kids enjoy their videos and Jim listens to AM Radio on his drive, I decided I would start up a blog again. I spend so much time on the computer in one way or another, why dont I share more of our doings with our friends and family?

Day 1 of our Triathalon began in a whirlwind of activity. After a week of Emma being sick, preparations during the week took a dive on the priority list. While juggling sick babies, work, and other normal week activities, I found that it was suddenly friday with no prior recognition of the days that preceded it. Thank GOD to Clare for all the help she provided to us this week. She has been a wonderful addition to our family!

So Friday, it was a juggling day of work prep, laundry, and packing (with a little me time out to lunch with two of my besties Jess and Larae!) After packing the car up expedisiously, we managed to leave even later then normal! How, I dont know. But off we went at 7:45, on what has become our yearly family expedition.

We stopped for the night in Maidson, Wisconson to allow us a 4 hour head start on Saturday. The only unfortunate part of that plan, is by the time we arrived, the kids were over tired, and very hyper (sorry to the couple in Room # 505!)

Day 2 of our Triathalon started pretty uneventfully. We got up and while the kids had some fun time in the bath, I got creative to come up with some toys to play with in the bath. We got off moderatly early, around 930, and are now en route to Aunt Heidi’s and Uncle Bruce’s in Cincinnati. We’re excited to get there early enough to visit instead of just sleeping! We figured that we had hit the “need to stretch our legs” time when Emma started blowing bubbles in her milk….

Our midway stop was at a mall in Middleton Indiana. We ran around for a while, and then headed out again. I thought Emma’s eyes were going to pop out of her head when she saw all of the “pinsess” stuff at the Disney store! But we still managed to get out of the mall without purchasing anything! After a quick pit stop, and a lunch run to McDonalds (I despise that place!) we are underway again. Evan isnt all that happy about it :).

I think daddy is borderline ready to lose his marbles…Either that or he’s bipolar and seems to miss the fact that he’s a 30 something father of two driving a family car 🙂

Well, as my battery is about to konk out, i’ll save for now…Aunt Heidi, we need to get a cheater so I can charge my computer in the car!!!